Tuesday, November 24, 2009


24 November 2005
"Happy Thanksgiving!! Yea! That is right! Today was one of the sweetest days on the mission in terms of relaxing. I love it here. We made a nice celebration today by starting out with making food, and then studying just a little. After that we played chess and card games (a really cool one called дурака) and basically just chilled. We then went and played in a Turkey Bowl. It was 3 on 3 and it was way awesome. We had tons of fun playing and I faked so many people out with all of my jukes. I love football and I miss being able to play it and to really enjoy it so much. Just running and catching the ball today brought so many great memories.

The feast then began! We had sooo much food. It was so awesome. We loaded the table up and we started to purge ourselves - literally. There was a turkey, chicken, mashed potatoes, funeral potatoes, a salad, macaroni salad, pumpkin pie(fresh), and then the condiments. We were ready to die later, and we could barely laugh it was so painful. I wanted to throw up - that is such an awesome feeling. I did a lot of clean up, and dishes, but it was all worth it. I think that the hardest part was getting up and out to молодежный вечер that didn't even turn out - well, it was alright. I am so thankful for the food, my family, and most of all right now - my mission!"

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