Sunday, December 6, 2009

Walking Around

6 December 2005
"We are back on the train to Moscow. We had a pretty interesting day in Riga, Latvia this morning. We got in and started to walk around the city a bit. We had no clue where we were going and so we just wandered around and took some cool pictures. Riga is way clean compared to Russia, and there are tons of really nice cars. The language doesn't make sense, but almost everyone speaks Russian so that is way cool. We checked out a bunch of the old city before we went and looked at the Stockman's store where they have all kinds of American goods for sale. It was way sweet, and they have some crazy things.

Well, we went and ate at McDonald's as we knew where it was, and we knew the food was decent. We grabbed some good postcards from a place before we just walked around. There are a lot of super nice stores in Riga, and they are like malls. We got our food, and then we got on the train. Tomorrow we will be in Moscow and then back to Самара. Oh, the joys of train traveling!"

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