Thursday, January 21, 2010


21 January 2006
"Nothing is going for us at all. We don't have really anything to do at all. Today we were supposed to meet with Дима and have a meeting with him, but for some reason we couldn't get a hold of him. I don't know if he had something come up or what, but we couldn't meet with him. That was too bad because that was our only meeting today. We ended up just going over to help Андре out again. That went well, and we got done basically all that we needed to. We will have to go back another time probably. We then came home after that. Well, we had lunch at Андре's so that is the 2nd day in a row to eat there. That is also a weird feeling. We had собрание миссионеров and that went pretty well. Following that we headed out to sports night. That was a lot of fun again but I am wasted. There was about the same amount of people, that was cool. We played soccer, and basketball and really enjoyed ourselves. I feel dead and think I might get sick as I was sweating good and went out into the -20C weather. They say this is the coldest winter in 10 years so that's cool."

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