Thursday, July 23, 2009


23 July 2005
"P-days are always uneventful here. We always have little going for us. We always seem to get out of here with plenty of the time in the mornings. We went and wrote home and just relaxed for a bit while we didn't do much. We just sat and read and wrote. My brother is in Lugano and he seems to be doing well. He said that he can't believe how clean it is. I told him that I'd go to Italy and be shocked at how clean it is. Also the family is building a fort and so that should be cool. I am excited to see a picture of that. We went and bought some products today and then we went back to the office as we had a bunch of envelopes that we had bought. We ate some spaghetti and we just relaxed a bit there in the office. I wrote an elder that will be coming here soon (Elder Hardin) that had some questions about the mission. Well, we then came home and slept for about 2 hours before going to help Рима to do some ремонт. We carried some of the big heaters that they have on the walls down the stairs - we just about died and we found out how heavy those things are. We were sweating like dogs when we went to our meeting in our white shirts and ties. Well, the lady wasn't home, and so we went to Сестра Стальнова and had a short discussion with them and talked about the talk of President Hinckley from last conference. It is truly awesome to be here and to be sharing the Restoration. What a blessing - I love it. The gospel brings so much happiness! I love it!"

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