Wednesday, July 22, 2009


22 July 2005
" I can't even express my feelings on how fast time is going here It is just flying. I can't believe that another Friday is over with. Time just goes so quickly. Today we kept ourselves busy, and we started at the Lunts this morning. We helped them to set up their computer and to get their house to look nice. It was pretty crazy. It looks a lot better now, and now they have their internet set up and they have it looking nice. Well, we also ate with them, and that was nice. After some relaxing there we decide we had to get in the office to get some work done. Well, we did get there, and there was plenty of work that we did. I got some stuff ready for the Assistants as they had to redo transfers. Well, I also had to do some other things. I got a letter from Jeff again so that is way cool, and I will have to write him again. Well, we then had to run to the Buck's apartment and set up some keys that will let us to get into the apartment. We then ran to Вячеслав. He was waiting for us, and also Анатолий was there with us and he helped us out a lot. We talked about the priesthood and it was way awesome. The priesthood is such an awesome gift and blessing. I remembered and talked about at home when every week I blessed and passed the sacrament. It was such a blessing and privilege to be able to do that. I love that. Well, we then walked home and now we are getting ready for bed and for everything else that we have going for us. Wow, another week is already over with."

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