Wednesday, November 5, 2008


5 November 2004
"What a mood I am in today. I honestly don't know what it is, I just don't feel all that great. I have been tired most the day. We didn't do much, but we did have english lesson. We played American music for them, and it was awesome. It made me think a lot about all my music, and made me miss it, but it was fun to explain to them! Also today, we were in the internet club to plan our lesson, and we found out that Bush won for President. It was way close, but yeah - he'll still be President when I return home. It's crazy how things are here too. It gets dark at 4 or 5 and we have to work. Sometimes it's hard, but the Lord will bless us as we do so! I guess that's all for now, but of course I'll write again tomorrow like always."

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