Saturday, July 25, 2009


25 July 2005
"It turned out to be a good one even with all that we had going. We went to the office after a good study session this morning. That helped me a lot I think. I read and studied about humility and I read in 4 Nephi when they had so much humility and it quickly turned around. It was interesting to see how they were the most blessed of all people and then how quickly they fell into pride. Well, I thought about that a little bit and tat went well. We got to the office and I started getting everything ready for MEC. We had собрание округа. I taught сестра Фамичева and it helped a lot. She gave me some ideas on how we can help Галина to come to church and to keep the covenants that she has made. We'll just say that Сестра Фамичева is way cool and she knows a lot. Well, we then got back to doing our work for MEC and I got all the stat together and got everything done that I needed. Well, we then had our meeting and that went well. We talked about the calendar and about all that is going to be happening in the next couple of weeks. Well, we then went onto the stats and thing went well. Saratov still has a lot of problems and they had a lot things they had to get fixed. Well, I left at about 7 and went to work while the APs stayed in with President. We left and went to see Степан as its been awhile since we were there. We had a good time with him before we came home. All in all we had a good one. I ate some tacos today, and that was really good. I also ate way too many cookies and other things. Oh well! Tomorrow we have to go early and we have a bunch to do. It should be exciting. We'll see I guess."

Friday, July 24, 2009


24 July 2005
"We did a good job wasting the day away. We did go to church today, and so that was a good thing. We were only there for the first part though as we had to leave to go and get Роман (мужик Маши, дочки президента). He came in on the train to вокзал about 12 and so we had to go pick him up and take him to President's place. Well, we went back to the church, and we went to ward council. That went pretty well although it was kind of just thrown together.

We came home and went back to the office to eat lunch. Well, it was good as always and we enjoyed eating. Well, Роман was using the computer and we were sitting there waiting for him so I got on the computer and I made a list of members in our area, and a list of non-actives, less-actives, and active people in our area. It will help us to work a lot better and to work with members. Well, we then just talked with Роман for awhile and we enjoyed our time. We then just chilled and we came back home and now we are relaxing. Well, I have plenty to do, and I have a lot to prepare. I need to call President Решетников and some missionaries tonight. That is probably the worst part about this job-calling. I call people all the time and I hate it. I guess its good for me, and I need to do it, but yeah I guess that's life."

Thursday, July 23, 2009


23 July 2005
"P-days are always uneventful here. We always have little going for us. We always seem to get out of here with plenty of the time in the mornings. We went and wrote home and just relaxed for a bit while we didn't do much. We just sat and read and wrote. My brother is in Lugano and he seems to be doing well. He said that he can't believe how clean it is. I told him that I'd go to Italy and be shocked at how clean it is. Also the family is building a fort and so that should be cool. I am excited to see a picture of that. We went and bought some products today and then we went back to the office as we had a bunch of envelopes that we had bought. We ate some spaghetti and we just relaxed a bit there in the office. I wrote an elder that will be coming here soon (Elder Hardin) that had some questions about the mission. Well, we then came home and slept for about 2 hours before going to help Рима to do some ремонт. We carried some of the big heaters that they have on the walls down the stairs - we just about died and we found out how heavy those things are. We were sweating like dogs when we went to our meeting in our white shirts and ties. Well, the lady wasn't home, and so we went to Сестра Стальнова and had a short discussion with them and talked about the talk of President Hinckley from last conference. It is truly awesome to be here and to be sharing the Restoration. What a blessing - I love it. The gospel brings so much happiness! I love it!"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


22 July 2005
" I can't even express my feelings on how fast time is going here It is just flying. I can't believe that another Friday is over with. Time just goes so quickly. Today we kept ourselves busy, and we started at the Lunts this morning. We helped them to set up their computer and to get their house to look nice. It was pretty crazy. It looks a lot better now, and now they have their internet set up and they have it looking nice. Well, we also ate with them, and that was nice. After some relaxing there we decide we had to get in the office to get some work done. Well, we did get there, and there was plenty of work that we did. I got some stuff ready for the Assistants as they had to redo transfers. Well, I also had to do some other things. I got a letter from Jeff again so that is way cool, and I will have to write him again. Well, we then had to run to the Buck's apartment and set up some keys that will let us to get into the apartment. We then ran to Вячеслав. He was waiting for us, and also Анатолий was there with us and he helped us out a lot. We talked about the priesthood and it was way awesome. The priesthood is such an awesome gift and blessing. I remembered and talked about at home when every week I blessed and passed the sacrament. It was such a blessing and privilege to be able to do that. I love that. Well, we then walked home and now we are getting ready for bed and for everything else that we have going for us. Wow, another week is already over with."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Day

21 July 2005
"Today just flew by. It was insane. We studied this morning so that was nice. We then went to the office and I started to work. I basically got a bunch of things together. I pulled together a list that the president needed, and then I typed up a letter for a missionary who is leaving soon to serve in America. Well, I helped Blinkov to clean up his computer, and now it looks a lot better. I worked on some forms for the Elders that have to get new visas soon. Well, Elder Lunt then took me and we worked hard to find him a place to get the internet. He is a great guy, and we found him a great deal. He is a great guy, and we found him a great deal. He will be using it a lot so it will suit him well. Well, we bought some ice cream and we rode home - to the office I mean, and I got back to work. I threw together the departing packets for the leaving elders, and I made a book for myself. Well, we got out to work tonight and we stopped by to some people. We talked to one really good guy but he lives far away. Well, we wanted to see Степан tonight, but he wasn't home. We talked to a drunk guy and he just wanted to chat. So that was the exciting day that we had, and we enjoyed getting out to work. Well, we worked hard and we hope to got out again tomorrow. The Lord will bless us as we do. It is awesome to work even though I sweat like a pig."

Monday, July 20, 2009


20 July 2005
"We had ZLC and we were at the office forever. Well, we went there about 8 and we did everything that we needed to get ready for council. Basically I just got a ton done and I just went crazy. Well, as always we just got done and I just went crazy. Well, as always we just got done with we could. We then started council. That was crazy, and we have a lot to work on now. We talked a ton about how we can help the branches to help themselves. It was pretty crazy. There is a lot we can do. The biggest thing that we talked about is home teaching. We have to work closer with the ward. Well, we also talked about how we can help missionaries who aren't following mission rules. You just have to love them. They are good people, but they have mad mistakes. Well, we talked a lot about being missionaries, and about how we can do better. Well, then we sat down and listened to President for a bit. He is truly an inspired man! He knows how to help these people. Well, after council, I had plenty to do, and I worked on getting things ready for next week as tomorrow I will be super busy. My head just about exploded and I had tons to do. Everyone wanted everything from me. Well, I just did what I could, and all worked out pretty good. We sat in the office for awhile because Elder Hunsaker was working but we made it home, and now I have tons that I have to do before laying down. Off to run around again - at least it is not so crazy here."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Long Meeting

19 July 2005
"Today just flew. We were super busy, and we had basically no time to get done what we needed. Right now, my head is spinning out of control. I have so much to do! Today we got to the office at about 9, and I started getting ready for MEC. Well, I was of course late getting ready as the ZLs were slow today. We then started MEC, and wow, it went a long time. We didn't even come close to finishing. We didn't talk about the calendar one bit, so we need to work on moving on to things more. Well, we then decided to eat, and the assistants fed us lunch. I actually was able to relax and enjoy life. Well, we ran to собрание миссионеров. It went well, and we got to talk about how all is going. Сестра Фамичева is awesome and she told Дима how we can do things better. Well, we taught English and it was actually fun. We talked about vacations and where we have gone and type that stuff. Well, we taught English and it was actually fun. We we went back to the office to finish up on the work to get ready for совет tomorrow. I killed myself to try and figure out how everything works in a new program that I am making. So MEC was interesting and there is a lot of problems there in Saratov that we talked about. It was fairly interesting and President always has good insight about how we can help missionaries there. It is an awesome meeting and there is always plenty to do afterwards. Its off to work early tomorrow. This should be exciting!"