Saturday, November 28, 2009

10 Commandments

28 November 2005
"It was sure an interesting day. It was actually a fairly decent one actually. This morning, we went out and had a good time contacting, with not much luck. We walked across the river, and found that not too many people live there - no one really walks around there even. We stopped by to the store before were able to get home. Here we had собрание округа, and that went well. The zone is doing well, and having a good time. We want to help Theurer and Stapleton, but we aren't quite sure how. Well, we then ate chili dogs made from beans that expired a month ago - that's missionaries for you.

We then went to a meeting with a бабушка that is less active and that went alright. We had a member with us who did not help a lot - he wrote SMS the whole time. We then went to see Афина and we watched some of the "10 commandments" with her. That was cool, and I really like that film. We are happy to be home, and have the other elders gone. Life is better with 2!"

Friday, November 27, 2009


27 November 2005
"Today was a good one. We went out to the meeting this morning, and that was a lot of fun. It went good, and there was a lot of people there so that is good. The lesson for priesthood was not so great, and in fact, I felt like sleeping - I did a little. Well, we did a lot of talking about apartments and such things also with Сестра Макарова.

After the meeting, we decided to stop by to a couple of members that we don't know, but as usual they weren't home. We took the long walk home, and talked about how life is on the mission, and how we can't believe how fast it is going. I sure can't believe it. I have like 5 months left. Well, we came home and ate really crappy - fried potatoes and chicken.

We then did a little knocking and that actually went really well. We had a good time getting doors slammed in our faces and having people laugh at us, but for that, there was rewards. We met one lady that was fairly interested in what we had to say - she was in the last door that we knocked on.

We then went to see a family who is all active besides the father - Старцевы. He is awesome, but doesn't really want to come for some unknown reason. Well, I got my butt kicked in chess playing against the father, but it was fun. Now we are home, and I am going crazy. I have so much going through my head."

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Snowball Fight

26 November 2005
"It was finally a snowy day. That is right - there was finally white streets, and trees were white. That meant we were finally able to slip and slide around and have a good time on the snow and ice. It made for a good contacting on the the street and it was a lot of fun. We actually did talk with one really good guy and there wasn't much else besides that. We had a meal like I always had at home - top ramen and tuna fish sandwiches.

We ran off and met with the Хозяйка (landlady) of an apartment, and set up a договор. I really do not like to do such things but that is part of the job. Сестра Макарова did help out a lot though, and so I am really glad that she came. After signing that we went back and had a big snowball fight - it was our sport time activity. That was way sweet. The snow was perfect for making snowballs and there was quite a bit. We also threw the frisbee around, and that was fun with the snow coming down. We were all wet, and tired, and so we went to the branch apartment to warm up (we were in our shirts and ties still). We had собрание миссионеров which went well, and then we hiked out to Афина's house. She is so great, and she needs some more friends in the church, because whenever we come, she is so happy. She is a really good girl for being only 13. She understands well, and that is good as we tried to teach to the law of chastity - we just beat around the bush, not wanting to come out and say it. We played some UNO and then we came home. We are doing well, and have a big day ahead. I love the snow, and wish it wasn't already melting (it started to earlier this evening)."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Family

25 November 2005
"Today was way fun, but it wasn't a great work day. We ran and got our passports this morning, and that was cool - I can now be legal here. Well, we came back here and ran through a planning session. That was good, and we are almost sure that we will have a lot of time and a lot of meeting next week. We hope that we can help Афина to get a baptismal date, but she needs to start coming to the meeting.

After we planned, we went and took all the leftovers for ourselves and ate a bunch again - nowhere near as much as we did yesterday.

We then took off to try and find some members that didn't go so well for us. We ended up walking around in the cold and freezing wastelands of Russia. We even tried to contact some of the people, but no one was really wanting to. We ended up walking a long distance with little result. I guess that is part of missionary work and that is what we are here to do.

We then went to service at the cancer hospital and we cleaned the walls and the floors to get rid of the germs. It was fun, and there was about 15 of us. We then had to stop by to President and Sister Makarova's house to get a contract. We had a cool time there and I got to play an accordion for the first time ever. Let's just say that I made a complete fool of myself, and I sure didn't make any music. We tried some dry, pig fat (сала) - it's pretty tasty - and they tried to get me to like olives. Let's just say that it was a ton of fun, and they have an awesome family. I love them to death. I want to find and baptize a family like them. So many good people here, so many faithful saints - they are such an example to me."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


24 November 2005
"Happy Thanksgiving!! Yea! That is right! Today was one of the sweetest days on the mission in terms of relaxing. I love it here. We made a nice celebration today by starting out with making food, and then studying just a little. After that we played chess and card games (a really cool one called дурака) and basically just chilled. We then went and played in a Turkey Bowl. It was 3 on 3 and it was way awesome. We had tons of fun playing and I faked so many people out with all of my jukes. I love football and I miss being able to play it and to really enjoy it so much. Just running and catching the ball today brought so many great memories.

The feast then began! We had sooo much food. It was so awesome. We loaded the table up and we started to purge ourselves - literally. There was a turkey, chicken, mashed potatoes, funeral potatoes, a salad, macaroni salad, pumpkin pie(fresh), and then the condiments. We were ready to die later, and we could barely laugh it was so painful. I wanted to throw up - that is such an awesome feeling. I did a lot of clean up, and dishes, but it was all worth it. I think that the hardest part was getting up and out to молодежный вечер that didn't even turn out - well, it was alright. I am so thankful for the food, my family, and most of all right now - my mission!"

Monday, November 23, 2009

No Experience

23 November 2005
"Another p-day drifting away. Like I said last time, I am not a big fan of the p-days here. I have not time to work with people. We are doing our stuff all day, and then we have English and studying hymns.

So this morning, I couldn't really concentrate, and then we finally took off to the Internet place. There wasn't much for me there. Well, I wrote a bunch and that was cool. I sat around and waited for Steiner for a few minutes and then we all went to a big grocery store and bought stuff for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We only spent about 1500 rubles ($50) which is awesome for 6 of us. Well, we brought the crap home and we prepared several things for the big feast. We ordered pizza and then slept for about 30 minutes before taking off to English lesson which was pretty boring other then the fact that we chatted with all.

So Elder Steiner and I talked a lot about how things are. We realized that we don't know how to baptize someone as neither of us have had such an experience. We talked about how we need to work. I have a strong desire to work and to serve the Lord, and I know that he is giving me what I need to fulfill my calling. The Lord blesses those whom he calls!"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weird and Excellent Day

22 November 2005
"What a sweet day. This is what we call missionary work!! We had all kinds of meetings on the street, meetings with members and also in the presence of members. Not only that, we talked with a guy who believes everything but won't give us his religion, we talked with a guy who told us that we were going to hell, and we watched, as we taught a lesson, a little kid peeing into a bucket. For all that though, we taught a ton of lessons.

Elder Тайр and I left and contacted this morning, and talked with a lot of people who wanted to talk. It was one of the best days yet. We used the golden questions like were were suppose to, and it turned out way good. Well, we decided to eat some Трио Пицца as that was the best, and easiest way to go. It is like the American stuff, and it is way good.

We then had a meeting with Димитрий and he told us that he more wants us to just meet and he can't give up his faith. He doesn't understand. Well, we then went to see a less active lady, and that was way cool. She enjoyed the opportunity to meet with us, but can't come to church (инвалидка).

We then headed out to see Шавкат, and that was fun. The little one pooped in a pot while the Mom held him, and then during the closing prayer he peed all over the floor. Talk about an adventure. We did meet their neighbor and did the 1st lesson with her. It went way good. Elder Тайр said it was one of his best days on his mission. I love to serve!"