Saturday, January 30, 2010


30 January 2006
"We worked fairly well today, and I would say that we had a decent day. We started out the day as normal by studying, and then going contacting. Nothing major happened that way. Following that, we stopped by to get some food. We came home, made some soup and then we had собрание округа. That went decently and we have a lot to work on, and especially on achieving goals. This is one of the hardest things on the mission - to reach the goals we set. We too often forget about them, and therefore are unable to attain them. Well, we sat around, and I worked on translating a talk that I finished this evening. We then went with one member to see Шавкат like home teachers. That was interesting and the guy that we went with, simply just read from the gospel principles. In the end, he prayed with the Lord's prayer. It was sure strange. We then stopped by the store, and bought a couple of maps for the Good Shepherd program. We headed out to Афина's place and Анна Ф. was with us. Well, Афина told us that she doesn't want to come to church, and that things aren't that interesting to her. It was weird, and we are praying that she will understand."

Friday, January 29, 2010


29 January 2006
"We had several interesting meetings today. Well, a couple and so that was good. We had sacrament as usual, and that all went fairly well. Владик was there as usual, and he is still trying to quit smoking. We need to keep praying for him, and we hope that he will be able to overcome something and we know it will be hard. Well, after the meeting we went with Гладков to his house where we had a decent meal, and enjoyed some pelmeni. We sat and chatted with him for a bit- he is crazy. He showed us how to fake people out with money, and he talked about how much has changed and how the government is taking advantage of so many people. Someone on the top is getting rich, and everyone else is getting conned. He talked about how much help people need. We chatted, and then we went out to visit one of his families that he needs to visit - Sister Нина Краснова. She is doing well, and the 2nd week in a row was at the meeting. After that, we came home and I have been getting things ready for the next couple of days. I thought about how lucky I am to live in a country where I am free to do what I want, and where the law watches out for me. It truly is a blessing to live in the land of the free and have so many rights."

Thursday, January 28, 2010


28 January 2006
"It turned out to be an all right day. We had nothing planned this morning, and so we were a little worried but luckily something turned up. So I started to translate President Benson's talk on pride this morning, and that will be cool to have that in Russian. We then headed out to do a little contacting and that went pretty well. We didn't have a ton of success, but things went as usual. After contacting, we got some things and we made some Russian плов. It was actually really good, and we did a decent job of making it. Following lunch we had a meeting turn up with some young people. They really wanted to meet and so we set up a time today. They were fairly young and were interested. There was 2 Alexs and then Мария. I walked and talked with her most the time, and she had a lot of questions about what we believe. We finished that up, and then we went to the branch apartment where we had a fairly ineffective собрание миссонеров but there was a good spiritual thought about being here on a mission. People are always watching us and looking to us as an example. We must show them who we are. Following the meeting we went to sports tonight where we had a pretty good time. There were a ton of people there, so that was insane, but we played hard and had a good time. Afterwards I walked to the stop, and little Костя walked with me, and it was a crazy feeling, but a good one to have this little guy looking up to me. There are part of the joys of the future."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Typical Day

27 January 2006
"Today was a pretty sweet one. We did quite a bit, and I feel good. We did some planning this morning for next week, and all is well that way. We should have decent week, and we are excited. We talked a lot about how to help out our investigators. We then made a cool plan of salvation outline for a meeting with Брейкины. We headed off to meet with Сестра Мизюркина and talked with her about милосердие, but she didn't really have the desire to change. She says that it is too far to go in order to visit others. Тома was with us (I woke her up at 10 this morning) and she helped us out a bit. We grabbed some шуарма and came home. We then went to Афина's where nothing worked out. She is really losing desire right now, and her friends seem to hate her. Well, I wanted to hurt myself as she showed very little respect towards us. We left to a meeting with брейкины where things went well. We talked about reading and prying together. Brother Брейкин really wants to, but feels little support. We hope that things will work out for them. After that, we came home and ate hot dogs and now are chilling. Back to work tomorrow we go. I love missionary work."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upset, Confused

26 January 2006
"Today was a weird day. I was really out of it today. I didn't have much energy, and I sure didn't know what to do - we had a meeting fall through and I had little energy. Anyways, this morning we went through the normal routine, and then we started to contact. At one point, I was really upset with my companion as we had walked about 45 minutes and he didn't talk with a single person. I said something to him, and he decided to talk with people, so that was cool. We walked for a bit, and then we went to Раиса's place where we had a meeting with her about being ready and doing the Lord's will right now and not later. She feels like she can't give up smoking, but she has been trying. We want to help her with that but it will be hard. Well, we came home, and had a decent bite to eat before we went to the branch apartment and should have had a meeting with Афина. We got there a few minutes early, and so I worked on cleaning up some of the dishes. Well, it turned out that Афина couldn't come, so we just chilled for a few minutes, and then we came home for a couple things. We had our scripture study class, and that went well. We read Mark 2 and I am still confused by the entry of the Lord on the donkey. We discussed it for awhile, but not much helped. We had youth night, and that was about all. I have a ton to plan, so I am off."

Monday, January 25, 2010


25 January 2006
"I am ready to die I ate so much today. I feel like bursting. Elder Theurer had a b-day today, and so that meant that we had pizza, and cake and lots for that matter. Well, I also ate some soup just barely so I am going to waddle in and plot on my bed to get some sleep. We started the day out by writing home for a change, and that went well. Things are well at home, and I have noticed how everything seems like a dream there. They tell me what is going on, but it doesn't seem real. Well, I worked on a couple of other little things and then we took off. We went to the branch apartment where we ate and watched Robots. It was cool, and we had a good time. We went out and bought a couple of discs, and found some way cool places to buy them. That is cool, and now we have a lot of discs. We went and waited to start English lesson and things went well there. We came home after that, and now we are just relaxing and having a good time. I am trying to plan and as always that is fun. Well, off to work and plan I go."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do it

24 January 2006
"We had another sweet day today. I still feel like a good missionary. We didn't have a whole lot to do, but we decided to go out and contact this morning, and stop by to some addresses. We had good luck that way, and set up a few meetings with people and found out some numbers that have changed. Well, we then stopped by to a contact who had ordered a Book of Mormon. He had a map of Utah and it was crazy to look at. He mainly just wanted to chat with Americans, but said that he would go ahead and read. We quick like came home, and made a nice big soup for lunch. Usually I don't enjoy such things, but it was good. After lunch I took a power nap and then we went to Шавкат's place. He absolutely ripped on president, and it was insane. He said how President Макаров was a bad person and how he should be helping and not just doing nothing. I told Шавкат that president was called of God and that I would not 2nd guess his decisions. We heard this for awhile before we finally conducted the meeting and moved on. We had a meeting with Владик to finish the evening and it went well. He accepted everything that we taught him, including the Word of Wisdom. He has a strong desire to quit smoking, and he is trying to do so right now. We prayed for him last night, and will continue to pray for him as he gets rid of the habit. I know that he can do it, and I hope he can do so!"