Saturday, November 7, 2009

Long Gazelle Ride

7 November 2005
"Today went pretty well. I am dead tired, and I want to sleep, but as for now, I am working on getting things ready for tomorrow so that we can have some meetings. This morning we took off to Saratov at about 5 and we were all super tired. Well, we had a lot of time once we got to Saratov and so we stopped by to the store. Well, lets just say that I ate way too much. I forgot how much I dislike Saratov - I mean the roads are super crappy and it is really dirty. Well, it has been a long time since I have been there and so it was cool to see all these things I haven't seen in a while. Well, President Pieper talked again about how we were foreordained before we came and how we knew that we would be here in this mission, and that there is a reason that we were called to this mission. I loved it, and it was way sweet. President Pieper is a great guy. I really love to hear from him. Well, we had a way good time and played a ton. Well, we then started to come, and it was way crappy. I tried to sleep, but it didn't do that good because the gazelle is so small. We somehow survived and now we are home and getting ready for an exciting day tomorrow. I hope that I sleep well, and that all will go well tomorrow."

Friday, November 6, 2009


6 November 2005
"Today went really well even thought we didn't have anything planned. We went to church this morning, and that was way awesome. We were at the presidency meeting this morning, and that was way cool because there is real leadership here. That was way awesome, and then we met with everyone and had a good time. There is a ton of youth here and they are great people. I love it. Well, after the meeting, Илья, took us on a meeting to some members and that was nice. Well, the members that we met with are handicapped and so they are not able to come really, and have problems. They are good people, but we mainly just wanted to visit and to invite them out. We then went out to where the other elders lived and worked on getting them moved. Well, that went all right other than all the crap that we have here at our house now. Also, for that we had to take 2 trips, and in all it took forever. It was insane basically and I was sweating like a pig afterwards and was in the suit coat. Now our apartment is a mess, and it really sucks. Well, tonight I have been talking with people and getting things ready for the next couple of days which shall be interesting. We aren't going to have a lot of work, but we are going to be dead tired. I guess we will see how things shall go and hope for the best."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tough Day

5 November 2005
"I am officially here in Penza. I don't feel good at all. I felt like we wasted the entire day. I miss Samara a ton, and I am having a hard time, and we didn't have any meetings today - with actives, or inactive, or with anyone. We did have one meeting on the street with a guy... Well, we did buy the tickets that we needed to get to Saratov on Monday, and to Samara on Thursday. We had a really good собрание миссионеров which was good for a change.

One of the worst parts is that I am dead tired. We were on the train all night and when we got here, I wanted sleep. We cleaned up the apartment a ton as it was a pig sty here, and we needed to. I am going to pass out tonight."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Last Day

4 November 2005
"My last night in Samara and I am spending it here in the office. Tonight at 11:45 we are going to leave for Penza. Let's just say that it will be nice to be gone from this office. We came here at 7:30 this morning, and from that moment, my head has been going crazy. We had problems with people not getting here on time, with people's taxis breaking down, and that isn't to mention the tons of people here. I am not going to miss these types of things. Elder Nava told me to deal with the problems, and so I tried, and things worked out. We had a sweet time, and I ran all over the place as usual. New missionaries are great, and I love them, but there is a lot of stress too. Well, I sat around for awhile, and then finally at about 11:30 I took off with Elder Boster to do some packing. That went well, and then we went to McDonalds where we ate with the sisters. That was way cool, and we just chatted for awhile, and it was awesome. I love the sisters to death.

After eating, we came home and I finished packing all up, and that was sweet – I finished! I hate to pack but that is transfers. Well, we brought my stuff here to the office and I then finished up all that I needed here. We took off to English lesson where we were at the lesson which went well. After that we ate cake and just chatted for Elder Umina's b-day. We took pictures and then came home for goodbyes. I will miss people soo much here. We are now here, and I ready to call several people and tell them goodbye – Elder Bennett especially. Tomorrow is the first day in the new area. The Lord has blessed me more than I would have ever imagined. I love my mission, and these people."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Free Cell

3 November 2005
"Things went really well today although we worked forever in the office. I am about ready to kill myself having served in the office for such a long time. Let's just say that today I sat in the office and told Elder Nava what to do. I even gave in and played a little Free Cell. Well, it was an interesting day and I tried the best I could to pass all that I could over to the Elder Nava. It was a pretty good day, and I enjoyed it in the end. Elder Nava will do great w/o me and it will be good to leave. I had a chat with Elder Nance today about how I can be a good ZL. I want to serve the Lord the best that I can the next several months, and I want to help the young guys.

Well, after a long day in the office we got out and went to see the Stalnovs. They are doing well, and it was good to meeting with them. Sister Stalnova is an awesome lady. I wish that Брат Стальнов would pick his act up. We then went up a whole 5 floors and met with Галина Коноваленко whose daughter lives (Palina) in Murray. She is great and she loves to help with missionary work. Her friend wrote me a poem, and that was nice. Tonight I am going to sleep well as tomorrow will be insane. New missionaries, last day, and all the goodbyes. Life will be tough, but the Lord has called me to where I am most needed."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Strong Spirit

2 November 2005
"Today was a great day. I had a way good time, but once again I am dead. This morning the Zls came by and picked me up and that was cool because we went to play some. We once again played frisbee and a little football. We played for a long time and then we went and we ate McDonalds. That was really good, and I really enjoyed it. I am home, showered, and then we took off. I got to the office and did a few things and then Tom came. Wow! That was way sweet!

Elder Nava was a Catholic earlier in his life and so he told about how he was converted and it was way awesome. We felt the spirit really strong and it was awesome. Tom promised to come on Sunday – and that was way sweet. We all felt the spirit way strong.

Well, after the meeting we were all on a high, and I wrote home a really awesome letter, and that was way good. My family is doing well, and now I am going to have p-day on Wednesdays with her and that will be nice. We then went to собрание миссионеров and that was sure interesting. We got there late and it was basically useless. After we stopped by to Надежада and tried to do a lesson with her, but it didn't go so well. She doesn't understand her baptism, and it was very hard. Well, she just worried about me leaving that this all. Now I am off to bed. I will write more tomorrow!"

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun Day

1 November 2005
"It was a pretty sweet day. We had a good time other than being unable to get in a good study with having to go to the office early. Well, we headed out early, and we got to the office. There I helped Elder Nava understand all that was going on, and it was pretty good. Well, we went and Elder Nava had MEC while we went to the post office. That went bad because we stood there for a long while and didn't get anything sent off. We finally just left and went back to the office where I just burned CDs for myself. I now have all of the music that I want and soon I will have all the pictures I want. Well, we worked and got things all done for the leaving missionaries. Things went well for them and that is good. After that we ate with the leaving missionaries and that was awesome. We ate a ton and once again, I had the pride of eating the most food and that was way great. I love the Davidiks. They are such wonderful people. I will sure miss them. Well, then we went to the church where we had FHE. That was a lot of fun and I finally saw the Орловы twins again. They are doing great, and had a good time in Germany. Well, now we are home after a good time there. It was sure a lot of fun, and we played the neighbor game for a long time."