Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fun Day

17 October 2005
"Today just flew by. We had a ton of fun and we worked super hard. We made the best of it and so that is good. This morning, we went to the office after getting in a good morning of study. We got things together that we needed and then we started district meeting. That went way awesome, and we chatted forever. I love to meet with everyone and to relax with them and have a good time. We taught each other the law of chastity, and that didn't go so well for me. I have never taught that on my mission and it is super weird. After a long meeting, we went back to work on getting ready for ME and I worked for a while one that. We grabbed a quick bite of пельмены and we rushed into our meeting with President. Well, that went well, and I didn't get too many things that I need to do now. The mission is alright, and we are working hard for the most part.

After the meeting, I worked on getting talks together from General Conference. I am going to have them all tomorrow. Well, after I did that, we headed out for a meeting with a member that we had. It was a meeting with Галина Конаваленко, and it went well. She has a daughter who lives in Murray, and she asked me to take some things for her. She also gave us a referral, so that is awesome too. I love such awesome meetings. We came home, and now I am eating chips and a рулеть and am going to write in the area book! What an exciting time to be serving the Lord."

Friday, October 16, 2009


16 October 2005
"Once again, the spirit was strong and we enjoyed conference very much. It was so awesome today. President Hinckley gave an awesome talk about forgiveness. He talked about how we need to forgive no matter what. Also, Elder Uchtdorf talked about President Davidik and about how after just one month in the church, he became a branch president. What a great man he is. I loved to feel the spirit, and there were so many great songs. They did such an awesome job. I love the prophets, and the words that they speak. It is such a blessing. It was too bad that so few people were there because conference is such a wonderful time to receive a spiritual boost.

Надежда and her kids came, but after only one hour left because it was super hard for her kids to sit through it. They were trying to sit and sleep all at the same time. It was a good thing that they left. Well, after the meeting, I got everything put up and then we went with the district to the Ehlert's and had a nice large meal - hot dogs, beans, salad, jello and all those good things. Well, we then talked about conference and what we heard, and it reminded me of home. When we got together and discussed the talks and all. We then took off and met with a family - Исабаевы - and talked a little about conference. We finished the night at Степан's house and that was fun as always, and we talked about life in general. He has way too many excuses. I love conference time, and I have soo much to work on. That is the best part - I have something to do in order to prepare for next conference, and then I'll learn more, and work more. I am always striving for something more."

Thursday, October 15, 2009


15 October 2005
" I am filled with the spirit. What an awesome day it was. I love to hear the words of the prophets and to feel the spirit as they speak. General Conference means so much more when you don't have it when then rest of the world does.

This morning, we went and we did our writing home. That went well, and we got that done - like it was a pin to have to do it. My family doing well, and my new nephew is getting healthy. While we were in the office, the elders in Ulyanovsk called and I had to help them to get their TV set up correctly. Well, we then took off, and went to the church where things went really well. We got the TVs set up and watched the Saturday sessions all together. There was very few people there, so that was sure sad. I wish that all the people would have a testimony of the words of the prophet and apostles. I truly love them. We did have a short break in between the sessions where we had a bite to eat and chatted. Well, after it all, we went down to the office to watch the priesthood session as there were only 2 priesthood holders still there. We went to the office and enjoyed the session. I am so grateful to my wonderful parents who raised me always watching conferences together as a family. Now I love to watch conference and I get so much from it. I know that my life is truly blessed by these words and by what my parents did."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


14 October 2005
"We had a really cool day. Once again we were not in the office too long today, but enough to get done what we needed. We went to a meeting this morning at about 10 and that went really well. We knocked on these people's door on Wednesday and they asked us to come back today. Well, they were not only waiting but they had made something for us to eat. It wasn't the best meeting, but they are really good people. They said they wanted to come to english but didn't make it. After the meeting we came home and planned which went really well. We should have a good week next week, so that will be cool. We got through all that fairly quickly before we had to go to the office. The main thing I worked on there was to finish all the discs for general conference to get out to all the branches. That got done and then we had to go to English class which went really well. We helped the sisters to put on a play, and it was funny. I was a princess that really likes to eat trying to win the heart of a prince. We all laughed and had a good time. We ran through our spiritual lesson and that went really well. We then had собрание миссионеров and that was sure interesting. Дима - our branch mission leader - told us that we weren't going to have any baptisms soon. Well, it was an interesting meeting, and in the middle of it, the guards came and we got in trouble for not opening the doors up correctly. We then stopped by to the office on our way to come home and the APs were there still. We then came home and now I am talking on the phone so yeah. Off I go."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


13 October 2005
"We were in the office even less today than we thought. It in face turned out to be a really fun day. We had to go out and get a couple - The Petersons - from the airport. They came here to help out the Framptons. We talked with them for a long time about where we are from and so forth. We stopped by to see their sweet hotel room. I felt uncomfortable even to be there it was so nice. We went over to the Framptons, and there we had a really really tasty meal - baked potatoes, and all the toppings. Well, it was sure great and great to talk with them all. Senior couples are so awesome and I love them. They make the mission so much easier. I really can't imagine where I would be without them. They have such strong testimonies and the spirit is with them very much. What awesome people - especially the Framptons who are on their 4th mission. Well, we had to get back to the office and when we did, I had plenty of work to do. I got some papers put in the binders like President has wanted for a long time and they are gone from under my desk. I did some other small jobs before we ran off to sing in the choir. It is awesome to be able to feel the spirit while singing, and I truly love it. The only bad thing is that it is so far away. It takes us awhile to get there and back. Well, all in all, I am having a good time here and grateful to be able to be serving. The mission is an absolutely awesome place!"

Monday, October 12, 2009


12 October 2005
"Another day w/o meeting with Tom - it is hard with him. I don't know how to help him. He is such a great guy. He had something come up again. Well, that meant that we had another long day in the office. This morning we did our studying and then we headed to the office. Well, I helped President, and everything worked out for his presentation. We went and helped him set it up at the Rotary Club that he goes to and we wanted to stay and eat, but I was afraid that we would miss our meeting with Tom - I guess that goes to show that we should have stayed to eat. We ate grilled cheese in place of it. That meant that I had to work on getting a computer up and running that hadn't been going. I worked on getting Windows on it and to get some other programs, but it would not work for me. I worked on that for a long time and I also worked on getting some mission papers translated. Well, I worked on several things, and then we decided that it was time to go. We had decided to go to a place that he Stalnovis had pointed us to on the map. Well, we started knocking at the top of one of the подезды and we found that no one wanted to talk. Well, I almost skipped a door, but we decided to knock instead (someone had just gone in the door so we didn't want to). Of course on that door we had a great experience and the lady invited us back. We also had another guy invite us in, so that was cool. Tonight I am tired and I want to sleep so I will! Tomorrow will be super busy!"

Sunday, October 11, 2009


11 October 2005
"I am pretty tired today. We spent very little time in the office today because this morning we were helping the Framptons to buy coats and to buy other thing. We took the long trip out there and everything went good. I worked my magic and talked things down a lot of them. There was one point that there were people yelling at each other because I was working my prices down so well. Nothing bad happened and we got Sister Frampton a couple coats. All I bought myself was a beanie as the one from last year is not that great. Well, after 2 hours my head hurt from so much talking and then Elder Jonsson bought a coat and I talked with a saleslady there who was really cool. We finally got out of there and stopped by to McDonalds for lunch. After we grabbed a bite to eat, I got a call that an elder lost his passport in Engels. Sister Sirova and I took care of things, and then I worked on copying General Conference. That was sure a pain, and I have the Relief Society session basically memorized. I didn't get done what I wanted, although I tried. We left to the branch evening and that went good, but put me to sleep as we watched a film - Legacy. I felt like sleeping. We are now home, and I am ready to lay down. I am sure tired and I think that the рынок really wore me out. A new day tomorrow..."