Saturday, March 6, 2010

Desire to Succeed

6 March 2006
"I am sure glad to be in my shoes right now. My comp has his last day waiting for him tomorrow. He is going crazy. I think. At least we worked a bit today and had a good time. This morning we got out and contacted as usual, so that was way cool. We met a guy that knows Андре Кириленко and we talked a bit with him about b-ball. It was pretty cool. We headed out to the other elders house where we had собрание округа. I talked a bit about what Elder Schwab asked me yesterday - he asked what keeps me going and wanting to work? I thought a lot about it and I guess the biggest thing is the desire to succeed. I don't want to have that feeling of not having success on my mission. Well, I talked with the elders a bit about it today, and I think it will be all good for them. We then headed off to the store to buy a few things for Elder Steiner as he is leaving soon. We decided to head to the FHE for the grandma's and that was pretty cool. We talked with them for a bit and watched Восстановление. I talked with Schwab for a bit again and all in all it was a good evening. We are now getting ready for the last big day. It should be fun!"

Friday, March 5, 2010


5 March 2006
"Today was a pretty good day. It was nice to be able to go to the meeting and to partake of the sacrament today. It was such a nice break from the normal wear and tear of missionary work. It was good because Владик was there and he is doing fairly well. We set up a meeting so that will be good. After all the meeting, we chilled there at branch council and talked about everything that is going on in the branch. One of the things that bothers me the most is when we are at such meetings and people are just chillin and goofin around. It is always like that and I wish that people would pay attention. Well, after that we came home and stuffed ourselves - chicken cordon bleu and then we ran to see the heathen holiday. Basically they burned the "winter witch" and it should be the end of winter. Well, for some reason the snow keeps coming down so that is fun. We are now home, and my comp is packing things up, so I guess he is really leaving. It will be strange when my own time comes in a couple months. I guess for now I need to just focus on the work, and things will be fine."

Thursday, March 4, 2010


4 March 2006
"Today was a pretty sweet day. We went to go contacting this morning, but it didn't go all that well. I guess the main reason is that it was snowing like crazy again. Well, we just walked around and didn't have much success. We stopped in to the store and bought ourselves breakfast and lunch for the next couple day. We then came home and ate our fried noodles before I took a short little nap. We then headed over to the branch apartment where we had собрание миссионеров. That reminds me that this morning we went to the branch apartment to set up the договор again and the lady yelled at us for it being such a mess. Sister Макарова helped out a ton. After собрание мисс. we went to sports night which actually went fairly well. We went from there to come home, and there was so much snow it was awesome. I went and jumped in head first and it went way cool. The snow was so much. We came home and now we are almost ready for bed. Tomorrow is fast Sunday so that is way awesome and the blessing are way needed."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fell Through

3 March 2006
"Things fell through like crazy, and I don't remember what to do when that happens. It has been awhile since anything like that happened. Usually all of our meetings fall into place so I wasn't so sure what we should do. We ended up coming home a few minutes early. It was actually a fairly good day. this morning we did our normal planning and that went well, but the companion goes home next week so he is having trouble concentrating. We should have a decent week, and hopefully all will work out for us. We ate fajitas again, and then we took off to do some stuff. We ended up standing in the Вокзал for like an hour in order to get the tickets for transfers. We walked out to Афина's place for a fairly useless meeting but Маша really wanted to go there so we did. Лудвиг - Afina's brother - is pretty cool though and we invited him to come and see what things are like, and he said that he might and wants to. We then tried to meet with Брейкины tonight but our meeting fell through, and so we bought some stuff to clean and came home. I am doing laundry now and then I am headed to bed. I need to focus a bit more and work."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


2 March 2006
"They brought in the blizzard today. It snowed all day, and it was way awesome. There is so much snow on the ground and it is all fresh. We went out contacting this morning and it actually went well for the weather that we have. We talked with a ton of people, and lots stopped to listen, but once again, not much seemed to come from it. We came home and we made the best lunch that I have had in a long time - fajitas. We made fresh tortillas and everything to got along with them. We had to open the branch apartment for the other elders and then we headed to Андре's place where we did a short spiritual thought. We then had the scripture study class, and that went alright, but there were very few people there. We ended the night with Молодежный вечер which was actually a lot of fun. We kind of just chilled a bit and then we went to have a war in the snow. It was actually way cool and I got buried in it several times. We were soaked after that, but it was sure worth it. I am trying to set up a decent day for us tomorrow, and it is going alright, but I still need to call people. We'll see how all works out tomorrow."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Fun One

1 March 2006
"Today was a pretty good p-day. This morning we headed off to Gene's place where we had some practice of the songs that they will be singing at the concert next Tuesday evening. It should go alright, but they have a lot of work to do. We then went and wrote home where things seem to be going fairly well. My brother is having a good time and quite a bit of success. Well, we took quite a few pictures and then we stopped by to Вокзал where we bought tickets for missionaries that are leaving. I found out that Elder Christensen is going to be serving here, and I am way excited about that. He is way funny, and full of energy. I was glad to hear that he will be coming here. Well, we ate at Трио Пицца after which we took a few more pictures and then went to "help" Маша и Аня. We went to English which was actually a lot of fun, and I had a good time there. I was with Elder Theurer and that was fun. We came home and now we are having a good time. I am ready to sleep."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Once In A Lifetime

28 February 2006
"I would have to say that today was a good day. We had a fairly good time contacting and we had some success. At first nothing was going for us, but we kept at it, and in the end it worked out and we were able to talk with several people. We stopped by to Раиса's and had a good meeting with her. She is a really great grandma, and we talked with her about the priesthood and that went well. She said that her faith is not enough right now, but then we took pictures with her and had a good time. We then came home and ate. That was cool and then we went to Баба Нина. She is also a way cool grandma and we had a good time talking about Christlike attributes and how we must rely on them. We are always working to do better. We can't do all at once, but we can go step by step. We then headed over to Шавкат's place and had a long discussion with him. he talked a lot, but it was all good and he has a lot of problems right now. We stopped by to the branch apartment to close it and now we are home. We had a cool experience today as we were going to Шавкатs and walking through the snow, we both thought how this is a once in a lifetime experience to be here serving the Lord. I am so grateful to be here at this time in order to serve and know that this has changed me a lot for the better."