Friday, November 21, 2008

Movie and Work

21 November 2004
"Another day missed, but at least it was a good couple of days. Saturday, we talked with Виталий, and had a good chat with him. We tried to stop by to a contact that we received, but no one was home. Well, we then went and watched the film – The Other Side of Heaven – and tons of people came. It was way awesome. The film was a lot of fun, and everyone enjoyed it. Well, after the film, we decided to just sleep at the other's hour since it was late.

This morning we went to the meeting, and it was good. Настя taught the lesson – her first time ever. It went way good, just like home. Well, after the feast we went to see Ольга, and it was way pointless – she didn't really listen to us, but she just wanted to get answers on every question. Well, after that, we stopped by to some people, and then helped Стася with her English. It was a lot of fun. I love it here!"

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