Thursday, February 5, 2009

What the?

5 February 2005
"It was an interesting day. So we had our собрание миссионеров today, and then we came back here with the other elders and Сергей and ate tacos and had a discussion about how to make our branch better. Well, thats when the fun started. We were going to addresses, and had a meeting with Старцевы. After that, we talked a guy on the street and he was a bit drunk. We talked with him for a few minutes and he told me to drink some water. I didn't want to but he said he'd be offended. Shortly speaking it didn't turn out to be water, and I had plenty to spit out. Well, we took off and stopped to some other people and had a D with a lady that was interested. We ended the night ad Айдаровы and had a good time with them. All in all a good day besides the experience with that guy. I found out that I don't like alcohol and don't have any desire to drink it!"

-- I remember this well. Not sure why I even drank the "water" but it was sure nasty like I said. I don't know what was inside but it was disgusting.

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