Thursday, April 30, 2009


30 April 2005
"I have had a couple testimony builders today. This morning I didn't feel like working and we didn't work super hard. We ate lunch and we began our fast. Well, we walked around a bunch more and then came home and met our land lady. Well, I wanted to sleep, but I had a strong impression that we needed to get out the door. We left and while walking I remembered an impression that I had had earlier but let it pass. We went to a дом and knocked there. In a few minutes we had already given a 1st D right at the door of a great lady. We also gave away 2 Books of Mormon and talked with many interesting people. Well, it was a testimony builder of following the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and the power of fast. Fasting truly does bring great unseen blessings. The hard work is paying off, and I feel great! What a wonderfuly time to be a missionary. "

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