Saturday, October 18, 2008

Quick Trip

18 October 2004
"Today turned out different then planned – I was back in Норья unexpectedly. We had district meeting after Elder Kirk registered. We were sitting there discussing our week when Марина called and said that Darcy – one of the students – needed a priesthood blessing. Well, Elder Watts and I were on an exchange, and we went out there. We gave the blessing which was weird because it was in English – something Elder Watts hasn't done for almost 2 years. Well, everything was alright with her, and so we decided to stay around for FHE with Алек и Марина. They are awesome, and we watched The Light of the World program that Elder Watts has, and it was a lot of fun. We came home and that was the night. It was crazy.

Also, we where were there, Zan talked about some of her life stories. They were pretty amazing! She has gone through a lot. She is also going to build a home in Норья, and basically just give it to the missionaries there – the Church I guess. Elder Watts and I talked about it, and we were amazed at how generous some people are. They are so willing to give to the people here. It is so awesome! Amazing the things that the Lord is doing here. He truly does have his hand in the work!"

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