Thursday, October 2, 2008

Working Hard

2 October 2004

"A hard working day over with. We were at Парк Кирова this morning and that was fun, but tiring. We cleaned up garbage, and we had like 100 bags of garbage after 2 hours. I picked up more beer bottles than I ever saw in America - that's no lie either. Well, after that we tried to stop by to Слава но его не было. Anyhow, we came home and ate quickly, and then went to вокзал to help Галина. She wasn't there so we ran home for a meeting with Ольга.

Talk about frustrating. Its that субботный день again. She doesn't understand. It's so hard I need the Lord's help with this, so I will do that for sure. He will help her and overcome our frustrations about this."

--Lots of Russian here:
но его не было - no evo ne byila - but he wasn't there/home
вокзал - vokzal - the bus/train station
субботный день - subotni den - sabbath day (seventh day adventist belief that Saturday is the day we should meet).

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