Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Long Transfer

9 December 2004
"It's been a long couple of days. We have been going crazy. We were in Samara yesterday as we flew there for my transfer. Well, we were suppos to leave for Saratov, but we were too late, and so we spent the night in the old office there. Well, I just made some copies of discs there, and talked with Elder Andelin. Well, we took off early this morning in a gazelle and after 8 hours we came to Saratov. What a different city we have here. It is huge, and it is pretty dirty. There is also tons of people, and tons of different ways to get around. It will take awhile to get use to. Well, we came and I met my new companion. Elder McCain and I came home and unpacked. Our apartment is huge so that is way awesome. It is way more comfortable than in Ижевск. After unpacking, we went to sport night, and it was way awesome. We played like 2 hours there, and had a way good time. We ate in a nice little restaurant, and it was way good. We came home, and I am ready to die – I'm tired. Well, I will write more tomorrow morning about my thoughts and feeling.

Well, I really miss Ижевск. I have so many awesome friends there. I know I don't need to compare between areas, so I will work hard to love the people, and just jump into the work. I don't know exactly what will be here, but I do know that this is a huge city. Its crazy. There is some good news though, and that is that I will soon have more friends in Russia. The Russian people are awesome. I love them. This is hard here, but I know I need to just keep on going, and the Lord will bless me."

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