Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Crazy Day

1 April 2005
"What a day. It's been crazy. This morning we went to the church and played ping-pong while we waited for our registration. I then met with Татияна one of the members and that went well. We later went to Татияна и Саша but Татияна wasn't home. There we met with a former missionary named Seth Anderson. He is here studying and he served here about 4 years ago. it was interesting to talk with him and find out about what he thinks of thing and what things were like on his mission. We went with him tot the church and were there for a party for those with a birthday last month. We some fun games, and all in all, it was a good time. We ended meeting with Валентина. Well, we got home and Andelin called me and told me we had their keys and that we needed to meet with them but I didn't understand where. We went to the center and looked for awhile, but couldn't find them. Anyhow, we came back and they were already here. I guess that's what I get. All is well though, and I am trying to rely on the Lord. He is definitely blessing me here!"

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