Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hard Times

28 May 2005
"What a day. Nothing as planned. This morning we tried to figure out the washing machine and so we washed our clothes. Well, we then went to the office - we thought we'd write home for free. Well, no one was there, and we don't have keys. We had to wait for Elder Bennett's photographs and so we just walked around. We figured we would eat, and so we went to McDonalds, but it was super busy - line out the door. Well we then came back and found an internet place - two steps from the place we are living right now. We then made pizza on батонs and then I slept for an hour and a half or so. I felt much better, and we decided to contact to learn our area a bit. Well, we found out that our area is not such a great place for contacting as there is very few people on the street. We came home few minutes early, and planned a little. We are finding out why it is hard to work here. The people are very young - and they drink a lot. There are a lot of buisnesses in our area, and so that is hard. We just need to buckle in and focus, and then everything will work out!"

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