Thursday, June 18, 2009

Samara Square

18 June 2005
"We had a pretty good day today. It was p-day, so that meant that early this morning we took off to the office to write home. We wrote home for awhile and then we came back home and did our clothes - washed them. We then decided to go to Самарская Площадь and take pictures. That was cool, and it was nice to get some pictures here finally. We went to McDonalds and ate, and that was way good as always. We came home and slept - oh the joys of sleeping. We then went back to the office to chill for a bit before going to meet with Вячеслав - a member. He is a good guy that has just kind of lost sight of the truth. He loves to talk and he loves us. Well, we found a big store tonight and we found tons of food that we needed. We bought that, and then we came home. Now we are just chatting and relaxing and getting ready for tomorrow."

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