Friday, January 22, 2010

Big Mouth, Good Day

22 January 2006
"Today was an alright day, and I feel a lot better tonight. We had a good evening, and I got back in the missionary spirit. I made a bunch of phone calls, and set up several meeting, and tried to get to know new people. All in all, things went well, and we had a good time. This morning we went to our meeting as usual, and all went well that way. Владик was there again, and so that was good. He is an interesting guy, and he has so much going on in his head. He always wants more and more to read and study. He just sucks this stuff in. It is insane how much he reads. He thinks a little too deeply sometimes, and he has a lot that goes through his head, but he is a good guy. In the building that we met, it was freezing and I was ready to die. Well, after the meeting we came home, and grabbed a bit to eat. We went to the branch apartment and helped Андре out for like an hour and got Маша's computer up and going again. We then got a call from Алексей Гладков to go to a meeting with a member, and things worked out that way. In fact we met a new young man there that would be interested to learn more about our teachings. We were there forever as Гладков has a big mouth and likes to talk a lot. We then came home, and I have been making phone calls all night. Missionary work is awesome, and I absolutely love it here!"

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