Monday, January 18, 2010

Disc Shopping

18 January 2006
"Today was a bonk day. We didn't have really anything going for him. Well, it was p-day so most the day we didn't do a whole ton. We decided that it was time to go disc shopping again. We found one pretty good place that had a ton of good cds. I had a sweet time looking at all the discs, and enjoying seeing what groups I knew. We had spent enough money, and so we went to another store to grab some more discs. When we were there, we found a ton of way cool DVDs. We got a bunch of them too. We decided to grab a bite to eat and stopped by to the local pizza place here. By the end of p-day I had spent a whole 1000 рублes ($30) and I would have to say that it was worth it. We wrote home after that, and things went well that way. The family is doing well. We should have had English, but the weather scared everyone away. We just came home and then Маша и Аня came by to get a blessing. We blessed them and now I am writing."

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