Thursday, October 9, 2008


9 October 2004
"An interesting day it sure has been...So, we got home and got all ready for the day, It was fairly hectic as there was a baptism today – Алексей и Ольга. They were baptized, but there was only like 5 people there for that. It was awesome to see them get baptized! I love baptisms, and especially the spirit that is at them. It is absolutely awesome. After the baptism, we came home to eat at about 5...I prepared a nice big meal for us, and then Elder Kirk prepared his lesson. I prepared enchiladas with the stuff my mother sent me. I love her to death! Anyhow, so that was our day!

We talked for awhile with Elder Watts and Jensen for awhile after the baptism about Alec and Marina – they live in Норья. They searched for the true church for awhile, but they couldn't find it. Well after awhile, they found American kids there, and they knew that these kids were different. Well, there leader gave them a BofM. They knew that the church was true, but there were no missionaries in the area. They waited an entire year, and then the missionaries came to Ижевск. Well, now they have brought another family in the gospel today! What an awesome work that this is that the Lord is bringing forth. It is awesome the way that he does so!"


Unknown said...

The cool thing is that I remember that day, and I remember the train ride back you posted yesterday. It seems like it just happened...can't believe it was four years ago...!

JTENMAN said...

Of course you was good food! I sure remember this too. However, I remember even more the next day's events.