Monday, October 6, 2008


6 October 2004
"What a relief today has been! It is so nice to have finally heard the news from Meagan that she is dating someone! I am sad of course, but at the same time relieved to have heard the news! I just want to be able to write to her and not have her worry about it - we're friends, and that's what friends are for! I am so glad to be here on my mission. It makes things so much easier on me! The Lord knows what is best for me! I must rely on him! He will take care of meas I work and do that which he wants!

Tonight I was on an exchange with Elder Jensen from Canada, We met with Сестра Лидия и Ангелина and had a good meeting with them. I wish that all the members of the church would be like them. They love the gospel! I know that this gospel is true and that I can share it with them! Its time to kick into gear and work!"

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