Sunday, November 29, 2009


29 November 2005
"Today was sure a sweet adventure. We wanted to visit some members that live in a village outside of the city and so that meant that we had to find the place. Well, we walked forever to try and find the stop to get on the bus - we had some people who were super nice in helping - and other not so much. We finally found the thing, and headed out there - well I guess I was filled with the spirit, because I guessed the right stop. The weather right now is not normal - there is rain in winter in Russia? That means that everything was super muddy, and especially the деревня. We found the first lady, and it turns out that her husband started to drink again, they got divorced, and they are rarely together. We then walked another couple miles in the mud to find that another ladies house burned down. We were covered and these huge trucks were going by and getting us all muddy. We were covered by the mud, but it was way sweet.

We finally got home and got off of our feet and had a bit to eat. It was nice as we had walked a ton during the morning. We then went to the other деревня at the other end of the city to visit шавкат. He is doing okay, but he just complained a lot. It was hard to listen to him for a long time. It was hard to listen to his complaints because he isn't doing anything about it. We need to do some simple things and the most important one is to worry about yourselves. We need to work and do better!"

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