Friday, January 29, 2010


29 January 2006
"We had several interesting meetings today. Well, a couple and so that was good. We had sacrament as usual, and that all went fairly well. Владик was there as usual, and he is still trying to quit smoking. We need to keep praying for him, and we hope that he will be able to overcome something and we know it will be hard. Well, after the meeting we went with Гладков to his house where we had a decent meal, and enjoyed some pelmeni. We sat and chatted with him for a bit- he is crazy. He showed us how to fake people out with money, and he talked about how much has changed and how the government is taking advantage of so many people. Someone on the top is getting rich, and everyone else is getting conned. He talked about how much help people need. We chatted, and then we went out to visit one of his families that he needs to visit - Sister Нина Краснова. She is doing well, and the 2nd week in a row was at the meeting. After that, we came home and I have been getting things ready for the next couple of days. I thought about how lucky I am to live in a country where I am free to do what I want, and where the law watches out for me. It truly is a blessing to live in the land of the free and have so many rights."

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