Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upset, Confused

26 January 2006
"Today was a weird day. I was really out of it today. I didn't have much energy, and I sure didn't know what to do - we had a meeting fall through and I had little energy. Anyways, this morning we went through the normal routine, and then we started to contact. At one point, I was really upset with my companion as we had walked about 45 minutes and he didn't talk with a single person. I said something to him, and he decided to talk with people, so that was cool. We walked for a bit, and then we went to Раиса's place where we had a meeting with her about being ready and doing the Lord's will right now and not later. She feels like she can't give up smoking, but she has been trying. We want to help her with that but it will be hard. Well, we came home, and had a decent bite to eat before we went to the branch apartment and should have had a meeting with Афина. We got there a few minutes early, and so I worked on cleaning up some of the dishes. Well, it turned out that Афина couldn't come, so we just chilled for a few minutes, and then we came home for a couple things. We had our scripture study class, and that went well. We read Mark 2 and I am still confused by the entry of the Lord on the donkey. We discussed it for awhile, but not much helped. We had youth night, and that was about all. I have a ton to plan, so I am off."

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