Sunday, September 21, 2008


21 September 2004
"We were everywhere today, and it was crazy. We met with Денис (член церкви) and chatted for a bit with him. he wants to be a missionary, and we strengthened him that way - he is awesome! After that, we met with Сестра Лидия и Ангелина! (also Марина). It was awesome. Марина prayed - for the 1st time - and it was awesome. I hope that all will work out for her! We will continue to meet with her.

Our last meeting was with Наташа, Моша, и Юлия! They sang for us, and it was awesome. I need to take my tape recorder next time! They are awesome! I wish all members of the church were as strong as them - Наташа и Юлия aren't even members. They are strong! The work is awesome here - I love it!"

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