Thursday, January 14, 2010


14 January 2006
"It was a fairly good day and I am beat. We did a ton today, and I am already aching fairly well. We once again didn't do a whole lot, but we did. This morning my comp had to get registered and so that meant we went and stood in line to get that done with. Following registration, we signed the contract with our landlady for the next several months. After that, we went to Гладков's house where we had a service project. He took out a wall, and so we helped him to smash it and all so that he can remodel. I had to carry bags of bricks up and down the stairs the whole time, but he was glad for our help. We had a bit to eat, and then ran to собрание миссионеров. We talked about all before coming home and then gong to sports night. That was a major success, and I was way glad that we found the sports place. We played volleyball, soccer, and basketball. It was way cool, and we were basically the only ones there and a ton of people came. I lifted some weights - bench press - and that was super painful. I am dead tired, and I will pass out tonight."

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