Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feel Good

10 January 2006
"I am in a much better mood today, and I feel like we finally helped someone out. We started the day off by contacting as usual, and that went well. We talked with some good people and had a good time. We stopped by to one school where we agreed on a time for having sport time. We quickly ran home, grabbed a bite to eat, and then we went to help Шавкат. They just moved again, and we had to help them bring a lot of their clothing and stuff to their new place. It was an adventure as we had with us his little son Сультан. We took turns holding him, and it was a sure an adventure. We got them where they lived and stopped by to their neighbor's house for a bit to get all his things. I was shocked at how little they had. I thought of all the stuff that I have at home, and how I can't seem to live w/o it, but these people have so little, and yet are so happy. We got his things and took off back out into the cold to come home. A bus had broken down, and a van thing had brought some gas for it. We hitched a ride back to Шавкат's place, and then we took off to a meeting with some members. We met with Сорокины and that was awesome. They are awesome active members, and we want to get referrals from them. After the meeting we came home, and ate, and now we're relaxing. I feel good finally. What a relief!"

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