Sunday, February 28, 2010

Once In A Lifetime

28 February 2006
"I would have to say that today was a good day. We had a fairly good time contacting and we had some success. At first nothing was going for us, but we kept at it, and in the end it worked out and we were able to talk with several people. We stopped by to Раиса's and had a good meeting with her. She is a really great grandma, and we talked with her about the priesthood and that went well. She said that her faith is not enough right now, but then we took pictures with her and had a good time. We then came home and ate. That was cool and then we went to Баба Нина. She is also a way cool grandma and we had a good time talking about Christlike attributes and how we must rely on them. We are always working to do better. We can't do all at once, but we can go step by step. We then headed over to Шавкат's place and had a long discussion with him. he talked a lot, but it was all good and he has a lot of problems right now. We stopped by to the branch apartment to close it and now we are home. We had a cool experience today as we were going to Шавкатs and walking through the snow, we both thought how this is a once in a lifetime experience to be here serving the Lord. I am so grateful to be here at this time in order to serve and know that this has changed me a lot for the better."

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