Friday, July 24, 2009


24 July 2005
"We did a good job wasting the day away. We did go to church today, and so that was a good thing. We were only there for the first part though as we had to leave to go and get Роман (мужик Маши, дочки президента). He came in on the train to вокзал about 12 and so we had to go pick him up and take him to President's place. Well, we went back to the church, and we went to ward council. That went pretty well although it was kind of just thrown together.

We came home and went back to the office to eat lunch. Well, it was good as always and we enjoyed eating. Well, Роман was using the computer and we were sitting there waiting for him so I got on the computer and I made a list of members in our area, and a list of non-actives, less-actives, and active people in our area. It will help us to work a lot better and to work with members. Well, we then just talked with Роман for awhile and we enjoyed our time. We then just chilled and we came back home and now we are relaxing. Well, I have plenty to do, and I have a lot to prepare. I need to call President Решетников and some missionaries tonight. That is probably the worst part about this job-calling. I call people all the time and I hate it. I guess its good for me, and I need to do it, but yeah I guess that's life."

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