Saturday, July 25, 2009


25 July 2005
"It turned out to be a good one even with all that we had going. We went to the office after a good study session this morning. That helped me a lot I think. I read and studied about humility and I read in 4 Nephi when they had so much humility and it quickly turned around. It was interesting to see how they were the most blessed of all people and then how quickly they fell into pride. Well, I thought about that a little bit and tat went well. We got to the office and I started getting everything ready for MEC. We had собрание округа. I taught сестра Фамичева and it helped a lot. She gave me some ideas on how we can help Галина to come to church and to keep the covenants that she has made. We'll just say that Сестра Фамичева is way cool and she knows a lot. Well, we then got back to doing our work for MEC and I got all the stat together and got everything done that I needed. Well, we then had our meeting and that went well. We talked about the calendar and about all that is going to be happening in the next couple of weeks. Well, we then went onto the stats and thing went well. Saratov still has a lot of problems and they had a lot things they had to get fixed. Well, I left at about 7 and went to work while the APs stayed in with President. We left and went to see Степан as its been awhile since we were there. We had a good time with him before we came home. All in all we had a good one. I ate some tacos today, and that was really good. I also ate way too many cookies and other things. Oh well! Tomorrow we have to go early and we have a bunch to do. It should be exciting. We'll see I guess."

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