Thursday, September 24, 2009


24 September 2005
"What an awesome feeling that there always is at a baptism. I love to be there. Also, tomorrow will be awesome too as Лилия will get the Holy Ghost. The sisters really got her ready, and she is awesome. I am way happy for her. In fact, yesterday she was at the airport as she works there now. She works in customs and she helped all of the new elders get through customs. She made everything go quick and easy and she invited them all to her baptism. Well, she was ready, and it was awesome to see her baptism.

This morning we got up and then we went to type home after about an hour or so of studying. The family is well, and they have made several changes on the house. Well, I finished and then waited for a bit for my companion. We then ran to the store, and I bought myself a load of great food and things to eat for the next couple of days. Well, we ran back here and met up with our Хойзяка before we cleaned the house a bit. When things were spick and span, we headed out to Bezimanski to play some frisbee. That was a ton of fun. We played with some members and missionaries from the branch. They are way awesome, and I love to play so much. Well, the only bad part about it is that I am super tired after running. We ran back here before we went to the office. We were super dirty, but we only changed and then we had a small meal in the office. We then went out to the baptism and it was way awesome. I love the spirit of baptisms and am so grateful that I could be there.

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