Saturday, March 20, 2010


20 March 2006
"Today was a sweet day, and we had a good time relaxing. We got out and did some good contacting and that was nice. We talked with some interesting people and had a good time that way. So, we came home and we had district meeting that went pretty well and it was pretty cool. We have good elders. After that I had to have interviews with each of the missionaries and it was interesting. Well, I chatted with each of them, and I had to ask a ton of questions and it was a long process that really wore me out. We ate right after that and I felt better. We headed out to Шавкат's place and had an interesting time there as always. As he was praying in the end, 2 drunk guys that live with him started to yell and swear really loud. I sure wish that I didn't understand, but I do. We then headed out to see the Макаровы where we had a good time with them and had FHE there. We had a lesson about how we need to have a clean apartment and then we played for a bit. It was pretty fun. We then came home and are trying to solve problems. I am ready to pass out so hopefully I sleep really well."

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