Saturday, March 27, 2010


27 March 2006
"Today was a sweet day. We had a hard time staying awake but worked hard and had some good luck. We talked with some interesting people, and hopefully all will work out well. So, then we came home and headed to собрание округа at the other elder's place. It went well and we had a good time there. The other elders fed us too, so that was sweet. I had to do some talking with the other elders as they are having some problems and so I chatted with them about it. It went alright, and we hope that they can change their actions. I don't really love to correct missionaries but that is my calling and the Lord is helping me to fulfill my calling. So we came home before going to Шавкат's place. It went better than I expected and Мариям said that she would come one more time to the meeting. We then went to the Сорокины's house and talked about missionary work. It went pretty well. They are great people and it was awesome to work with them. We are home once again, and trying to get to bed. I am dead tired, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. I guess we shall see for sure."

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