Saturday, June 27, 2009


27 June 2005
"It was one of those crazy days in the office today. Lets just say that we were there all day, and I didn't feel good most the day. So this morning I had some energy out of nowhere and made pancakes. They were alright and at least filling. We went to the office early and met some missionaries that got transferred. We then got to work. I did statistics and that was interesting as always. It's always interesting to see who is working well, and who not so well. Well, I also worked on the calling list that President wanted that I have that finished finally. We have a good time chatting and just enjoying ourselves. We then had the worst part of the day - moving. We had to move a lot of stuff from the office to another house. Well, we were all in white shirts and moving big boxes and things. Well, let's just say that I was sweating plenty hard by the end. Luckily it wasn't too hot this afternoon, so that is good. Tonight we just sat in the office and I wrote letters for leaving missionaries. I don't know why I have to, but oh well I guess. I don't mind writing them, but it sure isn't loads of fun. Well, now we are home, and I am dead. Like I said, I didn't feel that great today and so I really want to get to bed. Tomorrow is MEC so that should be cool. I always enjoy that meeting."

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