Monday, July 13, 2009

Less Chaos

13 July 2005
"Another long one (I know that's how I started yesterday, but it's true). We did have time to study this morning and that was cool. We enjoyed it as it was the first time this week. We set some goals for the coming cycle and that was nice to do that. They seem low to me right now, but I think that they are realistic. So we then went to the office and started to work. I printed off a bunch of letters for incoming missionaries and that was exciting work. After that, I worked on a bunch of other things that I had to get done. I am in the mode to just work and get ahead. It is crazy. I can't believe how much I have to do. Today at least was a little better as there was not so many people in the office...So we ate and then I just sat behind my computer and worked. Talk about a long time. Well, we got to 6:30 and went to the church as we thought there would be a meeting, but it didn't happen. Well, we contacted a bit and that went well, but nothing happened for us. We came home and ate some crap and talked while we are writing. So that was cool, and all is going well. I am a bit tired as we were up a bit with the leaving elders. They got off, so that was good. I am off to do some things to get ready for tomorrow. Off we go!"

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