Sunday, July 12, 2009

Transfer Insanity

12 July 2005
"Another long one and I mean it. There is no way we could have been in the office longer today. We got there at 8 and met the first missionaries. They were only the first of about 50 that were there this morning. That is no lie either. We could barely move. Wow it was insane. Well my head just kept spinning as I didn't have anything to think about. I guess I had tons to think about. It was crazy. Well anyhow I tried to work, and it went all right. I am trying to focus more everyday, but it is hard - especially on these type of days. Well, I did get all the letters done correctly, and that was chaos. Talk about insanity, well, anyhow, we had disorientation and that went well as always. We then went of the best part of the day. That means we got to eat lunch with the Davidiks. It was way good. Well, we enjoyed it a ton, and had a way good time. I love being with the missionaries that are leaving although it is hard. Well, we went back to office and I worked on more random things that I needed to get done. I also was able to see Elder Jensen for the last time while here. Talk about weird - it's very weird. I can't believe that he is leaving. Well, I did some things and now we're home with Elder Becker and McCain - both leaving tomorrow. It's very weird to see them go. Well, I think I best be getting to bed for now. Tomorrow will be an interesting day - a new couple will be here from America."

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