Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Couple

14 July 2005
"I can't even think. I am just dead tired. I don't know why, but I am having a hard time concentrating. I slept well last night, but I think it's because of a couple of nights ago. Well, this morning we were able to get a full day of studying as we are suppose to. It was very nice and I greatly enjoyed it. Well, I pulled out money form the bank for my work fund, and that was nice. I have money again! Well, we went to the office and all the fun began. I sat there for a bit and waited for Elder Kirk to finish typing home before I could begin working. I got some needed flight plans for elders that are leaving. That was nice and that makes life a lot easier. Well, then the Lunts came in and the fun really began. We were doing orientation for them and everyone just talked a ton. I just sat there and wanted to sleep. It was actually kind of cool to be there with them. They are interesting. They are not use to living w/o things so we have to be careful with them. They want so many things that I have gotten use to living w/o. Well, we are going to help them get a few things that they need so hopefully that will go good. After that, we ate and then we ran to Баба Нина's house and met with them. She is great. We then met an old investigator of Elder Hunsaker who asked us to not come back again. That was too bad. We then tried to do some contacting but nothing really came of it. We are now home, and I am going to pass out! The mission is sure an awesome place! I love it!"

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