Monday, August 3, 2009

All Over

3 August 2005
"I get to write in here again tonight - that is crazy. Well, we were in the office most of the day and I did all kinds of things. I worked on getting papers ready for the group that is leaving for new visas and I had to do a bunch of stupid things for them, and it was a long time. I also worked on other things - if you really want to know, I already forgot what I worked on. Me and Spackman left for a bit to buy some ink cartridges and we had to go to 2 different stores to get all the ink that we needed. Well, we ate lunch and that was really good to eat as is always the case. Well, I sat and we had a good time. I had a ton to do and I tried to get it done but I forgot to get a lot of it done. Anyhow, we then went to the church as we had to do a lot of stuff there with President. We sat there for awhile and then President Колцов finally came. Well he told us about how things have gone here. It was cool and sad to hear about how the branch is here and how thing have gone. I am getting ready for tomorrow."

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