Tuesday, August 4, 2009


4 August 2005
"It was an interesting day and we had a good time. We were in the office at about 9:30 this morning. I had a ton to do and I got a lot done. I did more of the same as always - I wrote letters, sent off faxes, and worked on computer programs. Well, we went to service at 11 at the hospital and that went really well. We had a fun time cutting down a tree with one of those old 2 handled saws (see below). Let's just say that it is going to be sore tomorrow with all the cutting we did. We cut a huge old tree down and then into pieces. We were dead after an hour and we're sweating good. Well, we went to McDonalds as we have plenty of money left and we met Elder Lunt there. Well, he payed for our lunch - now we have more money - and we had a good chat with him. We got back to the office and we had plenty to do. I worked on a report and also on a list of numbers. Well, that turned out well. We basically got things taken care of that we needed to and relaxed. We didn't get out of the office until about 8 and we had to get back here to meet the Хозяйка. Well, she gave us bills of things that we need to pay and things like that. Well, we are relaxing and getting ready to sleep now. Back to the office tomorrow. Wee..."

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