Friday, August 7, 2009


7 August 2005
"We went right through a big party tonight again. It was sure crazy - at least we were in the трамвай and not on foot. We were leaving from Ehlerts and we were getting on the tram and there was a lot of drunk people. We tried to keep out of sight as much as we could but in white shirts and ties, that isn't too easy. Well they invited us to come and drink with them as it was 120 years of producing водка. Well they finally got off in the center and we just looked at all the people. i am just glad that we don't drink. What a sad thing to see all the people like that.

So this morning we went to the meeting and that turned out well. We then went to the office and we were there for a bit. We worked on some stuff for transfers and the APs were there. We then went to the Ehlerts. On the way there we did some contacting and met some really good people. I love to contact as I never know the seed that I might be planting.

So the Ehlert's house was way awesome. We had dinner - roast and potatoes as always. The APs were there also. Well after we just loaded up and couldn't eat anymore, we sat and had a spiritual thought. We talked about the BofM and its influence. Elder Kirk talked about Ольга from Ижевск and I talked about Ирина in Энгельс. The Book of Mormon plays such an important role. Elder Ehlert told some memories from his own mission and that was way awesome. The spirit was very strong and I was very grateful to be there. I love to share the gospel and to be here among these people. This is a time I will never forget!"

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