Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Borsch and Service

11 August 2005
"Well, another day to end here in the office. We have been doing a ton and we have been in the office for most of the day. Let's just say that I am ready to go home and to stop. I am sure tired. We got here at about 8 this morning, and then we just sat and worked. Well, we did have service this morning at 11 at the hospital again. We there moved some stuff an cleaned up. It was sure crazy. My parents wouldn't believe what it is like there. It is definitely not a place that I would want to lay down and to wit. Well that was actually a lot of fun, and it was good to be able to be there with some other people. We were there for a couple of hours and then we took off back here to the office. Here in the office I just did everything that sent me going crazy. Well I got stuff ready for these elders that will be leaving tomorrow and they are still here with us right now. it was a lot of fun. Well then we took off to go up to eat with President and that was really good. I ate a ton as always and that was nice. I love to eat with president of course so that is good to eat with them. Sister Davidik is a really good cook and she actually made some borsch today too, so that was good. Well since that time I have been getting things ready for tomorrow, and I have also been getting the list of phone numbers and things ready for president that he wanted for all the leaders here in our mission. Well, we are getting ready to leave here in a few minutes and we have been here all day. Tomorrow will be another long one, and it should be a lot of fun. I am excited to have the new ones coming in tomorrow and it will be a blast. Off to home we go and to get ready for tomorrow!"

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