Monday, August 10, 2009

Long Day

10 August 2005
"It was a decent day other then the bad headache that I had today. I think the main reason is because of the deprivation of sleep that I have been getting. Right now it is already 10:30 and I am still writing in my journal because I want to write everyday. Anyways, tomorrow I will be busy again, and hopefully tomorrow we can get out early to work. We today actually got out a ton. We started by going to the office early, after which I left with Elder Lunt. We went and fixed his internet stuff as they will be moving. Well, is happy and he told me that I am able to multitask very well, and that I have old wisdom - that's a compliment. Well, we went back to the office and I couldn't get anything done, but we ate fairly well - the chicken again. We then went to a meeting with Tom. He is such a great guy and I love to meet with him. His wisdom and understanding are insane. I can't believe he's not a member. Well, I then was able to get a little bit done, and I was able to calm the head down. Well, Elder Kirk and I went to Анна's house and wow it was nice. She had real carpet and it was way cool. Витя was with us and he's cool. We had a good time with her. Well, we ran back to the office as we had a ton to do, and we had to get the missionaries figured out. Tonight Витья is with us and soon Nance and Bennett will be coming home. I had better get to bed or I'll never live through the day tomorrow."

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