Wednesday, August 12, 2009


12 August 2005
"This is becoming into a habit, but I guess that it is all good as it means that we are keeping ourselves busy. We had 9 new missionaries that came in today and it was crazy. We were here bright and early this morning and we brought in breakfast for these new guys. They are really good guys and they know the language really well. I ran around doing everything that I needed and I worked on it for awhile to get things ready for orientation and everything else that was going on. It was sure a lot of fun and I had to print everything off and get it all set up. Well, I then also put everything together for the branch presidents and still have several things to do with that. Well we had orientation about 12 as we had planned and that went really well. Elder Ehlert talked a bunch and I enjoyed talking also about the mission. It is always a lot of fun to be there at the orientation and it was funny how tired the missionaries were. They wanted to die they were so tired. Well they lived through the orientation and we did it up well for them and they enjoyed it. Well, we then went up and ate again with Sister Davidik and as always that was good. We actually had some hamburgers from McDonalds because she didn't want to make anything. We had the Big n' Tasty and it was really really good. She also had salads and some other things and I ate right up again. Well we finished and I came back here and I worked on a few things that I had to get done for the day. Well that went well, and I was glad to finish the pictures for the missionaries and all. Well I then took one of the new elders with me - Elder Brimley - and we went and visited Stepan who gave us a bunch of excuses again. We then contacted a bit and it was a lot of fun. I really want to be a trainer I decided and to get out with a new missionary. I will tell President so that he knows when I get out of here. Well we came back and now I am tired but we are waiting for Elder Hunsaker and then we will be going home for the night. I am excited to be here and love the service. It was such an awesome feeling to be here with a new elder and I really miss working. I love the work and know that this is where I should be. I love it here."

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