Saturday, August 15, 2009


15 August - 2005
"Well I am going to make it a quick one tonight as I don't have a ton of time and I am getting ready for the Council for Zone Leaders tomorrow. We have been in the office for awhile today and so that means that I have and a ton to do. Well this morning we can and I got some stuff ready for MEC today as we had to do today instead of tomorrow because of Council. Well this morning I and to do a ton with that and I had to get a ton ready to go. We had District meeting and that went really well and I enjoyed that although I got pulled out for silly things today. The sisters are awesome here and they had a ton of lessons and worked really hard. They are way awesome. Well we had MEC and that was awesome. I found out a ton of things that I had to do. I have to call everyone and get information from them and things ready for him to go to Moscow. Well we are working hard on that right now, and so I have to call a bunch of people. After MEC we ran to the FHE and that was good actually. I had a good time there and I enjoyed it a lot. I was really glad to be there and to be able to translate. There was quite a few people there and so that was good. We then came back here and now I am busily working on calling people and getting things done here in the office and getting ready for Council tomorrow. Well I am excited and I think that things will go good tomorrow. We have good things planned for them and they should have plenty to do and I know that I sure do. I guess we will see how things will be going tomorrow."

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