Monday, September 7, 2009

Film Work

7 September 2005
" I think this is really the last time that I will be writing here in a row at least. I am sure that I will end up writing another time here sometime before I leave and problem several times. Today has been a good day other then the fact that Tom was unable to come today. We found out and that was sad. We weren’t all that ready so that is too bad, but we need to work with him to be able to help him along. So this morning I got up and we got all ready and we left right away. We had to go to the sister’s house here – Silva and Фомичёва to help them with their filter. They were unable to open the filters in order to replace them so that meant that we had to do it for them. We went there and we changed that and then we chatted with them for a bit. They are great sisters, and it is always fun to have a little chat with them. Sister Silva knows the language really well and Sister F. is always willing to help her out. They are always so happy and always smiling and laughing and working. What a great example that they are to me. I love working with them. We got things worked out there for them, and then we came to the office and got started. We had to do several things here and that was fun. On the way here, I just remembered, Elder Kirk gave me a call and got mad at me that we weren’t here in the office this morning to help them put some boxes in Roman’s car. Because of that they forgot to print off a guide of the day and so they called me and wanted me to do it. We weren’t in the office, but we weren’t far from it and I told him that I would get it as soon as I could. Sister Ehlert made us cookies again and so that means that we pigged out, and ate way too much. We had some cream cheese frosting with them too and so that made them even more tempting. I got the language books all ready for the elder that are coming in and after about a half hour of copying it finally finished. Well, I worked on some other random things that I had to do, and then Elder Hunsaker and I went and showed a lady the film that he is working on so that they would show it to others here in Russia. Well, she didn’t really like it all that much and she said that the artistic film wasn’t really her style and the other one she didn’t like a ton because there was a lady in it that she didn’t like. Well, we talked with her for a bit and then we left. We stopped by to a couple of stores quick like so that we could find some DVDs but they weren’t really available. Well, we came back to the office and took a look at the apartment there on the 2nd floor. It is really nice and they have the furniture going there and things so soon it will be super nice. We came back to the office and we ate some really good food, and I enjoyed it a ton. It was rice and chicken and some other things. Well, we then have been working on different things, and I am right now working on calling people so that they know about a conference that we are going to have in a couple of weeks here in Samara and trying to get things worked out. I also did some translating of papers tonight for one young lady to serve on a mission and got that basically worked out. So, as we see another day has gone by in the office and we have a ton to do tomorrow, and then Friday will be a fairly free day to be able to work finally. Right now I am super tired and just want to get to bed. Elder Bennett will be here soon and we are going to go home and I will just crash. This life is crazy, and I understand why some people have died here in the office if they are always here. It is so boring. Well, I am going to finish up some things and make some calls. That’s all for tonight!"

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