Sunday, September 6, 2009

Double Responsibility

6 September 2005
"This is sure becoming into a habit to be writing here. I will be writing here for a couple of days at least probably as Elder Hunsaker has a lot to do on his film. He always has to work on the thing and he seems to work well, but it is just easier for him in the evening as there is a lot less people – well only us in fact. Well that means that he is able to work a lot more effectively. That also leaves me to be very bored and have not much to do. Well, anyways, we are doing a lot here and today was an alright day although I am dead tired. It was sure long, and I have sat in way too many meetings. I have had to help a lot of people and do a lot of things and the meetings just didn’t help. This morning we slept in for a long time as we didn’t go to bed until about 1 last night. We were here and then Hunsaker and I talked for awhile about how things are going and about life as a missionary in general. It is pretty crazy, and we always have a ton that we have to worry about and there is always some kind of dumb problem that is arising. We talked for a long time about things and it is pretty crazy how long we talked. So that means that I got up at about 8 this morning and then we were here before 9. We basically just live here. I had to fill up some orders for Elder Bennett as he was unable to do so and so that means that I have been super busy. I do not know anything about the library and I don’t know where things are or what they are called, and basically it is pretty crazy. I spent forever trying to get all these things together and I finally got it all, but it took me awhile. After I did that I finished up the preparations for MEC and we started that meeting. Well that was way long and we talked a long time about how we can help the branches to help themselves. It was pretty crazy and we had a ton that we had to do, but we just talked forever. We also talked about FHE’s here in the branch and how we shouldn’t be doing them. Well that meant that Elder Kirk has some words with President and talked with him about how it helps. President in the end said that we shouldn’t do things on Monday nights, and I agree but it was interesting. We also talked about how we can make things more interesting with the programs for Young Men and Women and how we can get them excited about this. Well, let’s just say that there is a ton of work here, and there is a ton to do. We have to help a ton of people and get them to understand a lot about the church. It will be a struggle, but that is part of our work here and why we are doing what we are. We talked forever about statistics and how that is going and of course as always we had a good time listening to President. We got out after 4 hours of discussion and I decided to go with the APs to eat something. We had a good time eating, and we enjoyed that of course. The food was good and of course since we are in Russia I got taken for every last coin that they could get from me – they charged me for the garnishes that I didn’t order that were on the plate. I mean come on, how can you get so stupid. We came back to the office and I immediately ran off with Денис from our branch to do some service. We did that for Баба Нина and we helped her to be able to have a place to plant some fruit and things. Well, we worked on that for about an hour and then we came running back here to the office. It was the first time for a long time that I have run and it felt good to do. As soon as I came to the office I changed and we started right into another meeting, and got things going that way. Well, that means that I sat in on a committee for this film that Hunsaker is making and that I will have a fairly large part in it. There is sure a lot to do that way, and I will have to watch after the technical part of things. That was another hour or so and by the end I was dead tired. I came to my computer, and I was ready to fall to sleep. I didn’t know what to do, and so I just sat here for a bit, and tried to figure out what to do. I have no idea, but I am just dead tired now. I saw the transfer sheets and it will be interesting because I am supposed to be getting a new companion in a couple of weeks. We will see how things work out. Right now I have to fulfill Elder Bennett’s responsibility and call some people. I am sure it will be another exciting one tomorrow, and we will have a meeting with Tom! Hooray for that and we shall see how that goes!"

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